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Our Story

Dr. Cornelius Victor, was led by God with a burden to spread the salvation gospel and explain the deeper meaning of the word of God as inspired by the Holy Spirit. This passion started right from his university days in India. Since moving to UK in 2006 in pursuit of his profession, he was involved in street evangelism and leading Bible study groups.


After moving to Preston in 2012, he attended many Churches and found that there was no opportunity for church individual worship time and weekly breaking of bread. This is the new testament pattern as initiated by disciples of Jesus Christ.

'And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. Acts 2:42'

Because of this spiritual dissatisfaction God had put a burden in his heart which led him to gather few families every Sunday for fellowship. Although this was started as a gathering of a few people at his house, God increased the number of individuals and families who were attending. With the increase in members, there was also a burden to spread the Gospel in Preston. By HIS grace, HE provided us with a premises and helped us to gather as a Church every week.

Cornelius Victor is married to Dr. Lydia who serves in the ministry as a sunday school teacher,worship singer and leads women fellowship. They are blessed with two young children -Hannah and Stephen.


As a Church, we welcome people from all ages and backgrounds for Worship and Fellowship. Please get in touch to find out more or join us for a service.

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