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Our Faith

We believe in the authority of the Bible, as the complete Word of God. We believe in the trinity, God's plan of salvation for mankind as planned by God the Father, executed by God the Son Jesus Christ, by His atoning death on the cross and His resurrection applied and worked out in the life of the believers by God the Holy Spirit.


We believe in the Body Of Christ the universal church composed of all the Born again Believers all over the world and the local expression of that body in every place where believers meet together for worship and breaking of bread, fellowship and prayer.


We believe in the equality of the believers in the body of Christ being equally precious as they are redeemed by the precious blood of Christ, being equally important and useful as indwelt by the Holy Spirit to contribute to the building up of the Church.


We believe in the preparation of the Church for the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ for which the worship is an important part of that preparation. Therefore, we encourage individual worship of believers in spirit and in truth around the Lord's Table every Sunday, enabling them to declare the preciousness of the Lord as experienced by them.


We warn and encourage believers to take part in the Lord's Table worthily to be prepared for the glorious appearing of the Lord. 


We believe in the stewardship of the church in preaching the gospel to all people regularly so that souls are saved and added to the kingdom of God. Every Opportunity to proclaim the Gospel is taken and every believer is encouraged to participate in the various outreach programs.


We believe in the autonomy of local churches under the headship and Lordship of the Lord Jesus Christ based on the New-Testament pattern and functioning according to the principles revealed in the word of God.

Our Faith: Welcome
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